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A girl who rose from the ashes...and now is trying to make sense of this complicated world through her writing.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Nap Theory of Relativity

This weekend is dedicated to sleep.  Thirteen hours of sleep last night, and as if that weren't enough I took a two hour nap this afternoon.

I've long had a special place in my heart for napping and most weekends I squeeze in at least one.  I love naps so much, that I've developed a scientifically proven theory about them. The Nap Theory of Relativity is as follows:

Whatever mood you are in, if you take a nap you will wake up in the opposite mood. 

Therefore, it stands to reason:

If you are not tired, but find yourself in a foul mood - take a nap!  Problem solved!

Conversely, if you are tired, but in a good mood you have two options. Stay awake at all costs, or (my preferred solution) take two naps! Problem solved again!

You are welcome.

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